This weekend my brother Thomas and his girlfriend, Callaway had all of us up to Charleston for a deep sea fishing extravaganza. It was the first time all 3 brothers of mine and I have been together since... Christmas? With life taking us all down such different avenues, days together ring more precious and rare. A perfect day on the blue, clear waters under the wide open sky and in the warmth of the sun reminded us all of the importance of family and letting lose with the ones who've helped to shape our lives the most. We danced, we drank, we marveled at the marsh and the open water, we sang, we swam, we got sunburned and we even caught some fish.
Hey Cat sounds like u had fun ! Thanks for the lunch. It was great talking to you. I hope you have been doing your "homework" !
I have Pimsleur language disks for Japanese, Italian, Swedish, and French, so if you want me to make a copy of any of them, let me know. I can always leave them with Chase since he is in your area. I keep a separate ipod loaded with one so I can listen when I am working.
I would like to check out that book about the woman in Nepal that you mentioned when you are done reading it.
And i have a book that you might want to read. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. Yea it sounds crazy, but there are some great tips to help make our "alternate?", or "non-cubical" lifestyle a reality. A whole different mindset.
oh and im making my new website for my next career after corals. This is what i will work on while sitting in the cafe in my 15 favorite cities of the world. checkout Its not done yet
ok ttys
Koji the Mad Biker Dude ( my new screen name)
I'm lovin it and YOU! Checking out your site now, I can't wait to catch up!
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