Tuesday, February 2


Gone surfing.

Scotty Hughs left me smiling, holding on to the other end of the phone line. Just as quickly and mysteriously as he arrived, he was gone again, into his world of kite surfing and giggling marlins. He told me I missed out on one of the best trips, and I'd have to agree. And disagree all the same. I did not miss out at all because his journey is mine, his joy is mine and are not all of our journies shared? Especially those of our loved ones?

True, tis easy to slap my thin, sun thirsty wrists and question my decision to forgoe our epic trip south through our nations national parks and into Mexico, the Baja penensula and the Americas beyond. Scott followed through with his plans in his RV with motorcycle in tow, and oh how they've unfolded so beautifully. He has sky-dived and sea kayaked with his children, Danielle and Owen, scuba-dived with whale sharks, and worshiped the wind with his kite and board for fifty days now in La Ventana. In our 5 minute chat, I stomached news of his mountain biking outings and how he traces his course on his motorcycle afterwards just for good measure. He won't be coming home to Jackson any time soon and he urges me to give into my temptations to jump on a plane and visit.

I told him how life here in the States makes it an interesting challenge to live so simply as he. Quite contrary to thought that life would slow down when you settle, it actually speeds up and gets more cluttered. With no desire to ellaborate, I will commend the rolling, happy stones, and their decent wants.

Gone Skiing.