From Blake Mycoskie,
Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS SHOES.
This is his tribute to Nan Naw, his grandmother.
She passed away last week at the ripe age of 89.
Here goes.
Lessons Learned from Char Baby #1
Yesterday I spent the morning going through picture albums and writing out my favorite memories with Nan Naw. In almost every picture, 2 things were absolutely consistent:
She had the biggest smile (which was always a little mischievous). And without a doubt, she had on the brightest clothes in the group.
Having a reputation for a permanent smile and an affinity for crazy pants myself, I began to realize that me and Nan Naw had a lot more in common than one might think.
With further introspection and journaling, I began to understand that the reason we had so much in common was because many of the principles that I have built my life on were in fact, lessons that Nan Naw taught me. Why this had never dawned on me was simple. Nan Naw did not teach verbally, but through her actions. Instead of telling me what to do or advising us grandchildren with caution, she simply lived her life unapologetically, and doing so with such vitality and joy, it is not a surprise at all that I began mirroring her ways.
First lets start with fashion. Nan Naw loved color, rhinestones, sequins, and bold prints. Anything that would demand attention or had a story associated with it. They say that the Peacock that attracts the most mates, also has the brightest feathers. Nan Naw understood this theory all too well, often meeting the most people and new friends as a result of her bright clothes at any event or party. What many of you all might not know, about 8 years ago I began collecting madras, paisley, and other crazy pants and almost without fail, I wear a pair every time I have an event to go to, and every time it leads to more interesting conversations, introductions, and when single, dates. So Nan Naw, thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson and as a tribute today, I have worn this pair with a golf ball and tee print, which brings me to the next lesson I learned through observing your life.
Nan Naw showed us all that life is not a spectator sport, and those who enjoy it the most are also the most active and engaged. When nearly all of my friends speak of their grandmothers, especially those in their 80’s, they do not talk of competitive golf games, high stakes poker, slot machine tournaments in vegas, and bloody marys, so you can imagine the pride I used to take 10 years ago showing pictures of Nan Naw playing in the Halloween golf tournament dressed as Cindy Lauper or at the card table surrounded by men half her age. These pictures and stories made Nan Naw a living legend among my friends, especially those who got to meet her when I was a student at SMU. I will never forget the night that she closed down the Green Elephant bar with the Theta Sorority Girls while takings shots of tequila with me and my pledge brothers, might I add, long after my parents went home tired. That night I tucked her in on a friends couch, but found her the next morning as enthusiastic as ever when I picked her up to go to the football game. Today I thank God for these memories.
Last and by far the most important lesson Nan Naw taught me was to be positive. Up until the last time I saw her 2 weeks ago, she was the most positive, grateful, and optimistic person I ever met. She worked hard to make people laugh and she really did not care if they were laughing with her or at her, for the end result of them being happy was all that mattered. Besides encouraging us through laughter, she instilled a confidence in us kids that has affected our lives greatly. No matter what we were trying to do, she insisted that it was great idea and destined for success. Of course every grandma is proud of her grand kids and showers them with love, but Nan Naw’s enthusiasm and encouragement was different because it extended to everyone that she met. Whether it was one of my friend’s careers or a stranger she met at a Ranger game, Nan Naw would listen with great intensity and typically reply with a “that’s so cool” or “you are awesome”. I guess the lesson here is being positive not only encourages those around you, but it attracts new friends and a family that adores you. There is no doubt that most of you here know the details of every accomplishment Paige, Tyler, and Me have had the past 20 years, for Nan Naw’s favorite topic to talk about was us kids. She was one of the most proud human beings I ever met, but let me tell you this, each of our accomplishments she bragged so much about, was as much her success as ours, for there is no possible way that we would have set out to take risks, try new hobbies, or set such large goals if it had not been for her continuous words of encouragement and positive attitude.
In closing, I ask each of you to remember this positive attitude for the rest of your lives as I will remember it for mine. Next time you are having a tough week, facing a difficult decision, or questioning whether you are going to get through the day, I ask you to simply close your eyes and imagine Nan Naw giving you the thumbs up and simply saying “U Bet”.
I love you Nan Naw