Monday, August 10


Don't let your fire burn out. Stay passionate about your life. Stay enthusiastic about your dreams.

Hart read this quote to Christen over $1 fish tacos and PBRs at Hand in Hand last night.
I dug it.

Make it count.


Anonymous said...

hi catherine it is very nice to take a look on your blog because you really write so beautiful,
im one of the girls from quindio university in quindio.see you

Catails said...


Thank you! You inspire me. I miss Quindio and wish to return to your beautiful country soon. Meeting you and your friends was one of my dreams come true. I hope that you are enjoying life and dreaming big. Give my best to "La Mona" and let me know if there is any way that I can help you.

Much love from Atlanta, Georgia (Southern USA)


Christen said...

love this quote! Fan your flame! My new motto for life!